Core Values of Human Worth
Accessibility at Community of the Savior
Community of the Savior joyfully affirms:
• the wonderful diversity and inherent worth found in humanity as an expression of God’s glorious creative work
• the belief that each person is created in God’s image and holds a vital and valued place within Christ’s church , the local community of believers, and the world-at-large
• that we reflect God’s gift of divine hospitality by likewise welcoming and embracing all people with respect, acceptance, and Christ-like love regardless of differences of any kind, including abilities or disabilities
• that all Community of the Savior ministries, including worship, catechetical, and faith formational opportunities should be accessible and allow for full and active participation by individuals with disabilities and their families
• that individuals with disabilities have contributions and spiritual gifts to offer the body of Christ and should be encouraged to share those with the local community for the mutual benefit and building up of Christ’s church and witness in the world
• that Christ calls his church to stand with fellow sisters and brothers who live with disabilities to reject discrimination in its various and insidious forms and to defend their access to equal rights and opportunity in the local church and the world. This includes human rights such as education, housing, employment, health care, and the right to free access to public accommodations, facilities, and services
Accessibility Information
It is not possible to predict every type of accommodation which may be needed by individuals with disabilities and their families. However, Community of the Savior desires to engage in a dialogue whenever an appropriate accommodation is necessary for full inclusion into the life of Christ’s local body and we welcome that opportunity to learn and to grow in grace together. For more information, please contact Pastor Barb Isaman-Bushart at barbbushart@gmail.com.