What to Expect
A typical Sunday worship service is approximately one hour and 15 minutes long. Weekly worship includes prayer, music, corporate and personal confession, scripture, sermon, creeds, passing of the peace, and Holy Communion. Both of our Sunday morning worship services (8:45 and 10:45 am) are identical in format and content.
Liturgy, simply defined, means the work of the people. We believe worship is embodied and communal. The liturgy is printed in booklets for those in the sanctuary and displayed on screen for those worshiping via livestream to allow all worshippers to participate as fully as possible. Laypeople assist in leading worship in a variety of ways, such as serving as acolytes, scripture readers, cantors and musicians, and Eucharistic ministers.
Directions & Parking
Community of the Savior
4 East Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY 14620
Community of the Savior is located in the Upper Mount Hope neighborhood at the corner of Mt. Hope Avenue and East Henrietta Road.
The church’s parking lot can be accessed from either Fort Hill Terrace or Rosemount Street. There are several spots reserved for visitors. Additional street-side parking is available on Fort Hill Terrace, Westview Terrace, and Southview Terrace.
Look for the big red doors facing E. Henrietta Rd. or the southeast facing door in the parking lot to enter the building.