What to Expect
A typical Sunday worship service is approximately one hour and 15 minutes long. Weekly worship includes prayer, music, corporate and personal confession, scripture, sermon, creeds, passing of the peace, and Holy Communion. Both of our Sunday morning worship services (8:45 and 10:45 am) are identical in format and content.
Liturgy, simply defined, means the work of the people. We believe worship is embodied and communal. The liturgy is printed in booklets for those in the sanctuary and displayed on screen for those worshiping via livestream to allow all worshippers to participate as fully as possible. Laypeople assist in leading worship in a variety of ways, such as serving as acolytes, scripture readers, cantors and musicians, and Eucharistic ministers.
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:45 AM Worship
Including Sermon and Holy Eucharist (Communion)
Services are typically 75-85 minutes long
Children’s worship for preschoolers through 3rd grade
Nursery for infants through 3 years old
9:00 AM Faith Formation
Community of the Savior offers faith formation classes for all ages each Sunday during the school year
Faith formation is on summer hiatus through August
9:50 AM Coffee and Conversation
All are encouraged to stay after the first worship service or come early for the second worship service every Sunday for great coffee, great food, and great company in the CoS fellowship hall
10:45 AM Worship
Including Sermon and Holy Eucharist (Communion)
Services are typically 75-85 minutes long
Children’s worship for preschoolers through 3rd grade
Nursery for infants through 3 years old
This service is livestreamed every week
Directions & Parking
Community of the Savior
4 East Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY 14620
Community of the Savior is located in the Upper Mount Hope neighborhood at the corner of Mt. Hope Avenue and East Henrietta Road.
The church’s parking lot can be accessed from either Fort Hill Terrace or Rosemount Street. There are several spots reserved for visitors. Additional street-side parking is available on Fort Hill Terrace, Westview Terrace, and Southview Terrace.
Look for the big red doors facing E. Henrietta Rd. or the southeast facing door in the parking lot to enter the building.
Community of the Savior joyfully affirms the belief that each person is created in God’s image and holds a vital and valued place within Christ’s Church, the local community of believers, and the world-at-large.
It is not possible to predict every type of accommodation which may be needed by individuals with disabilities and their families. However, Community of the Savior desires to engage in a dialogue whenever an appropriate accommodation is necessary for full inclusion into the life of Christ’s local body and we welcome that opportunity to learn and to grow in grace together.
All 10:45 am Sunday morning worship services are livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube for those who are homebound or unable to worship in person.
Sanctuary is fitted with hearing aid loop
Children in Worship
Community of the Savior is committed to intergenerational worship. Age-specific ways that children take part in worship are “Liturgy Moments” (a brief time of teaching before the sermon) and the use of interactive worship bags. Children help lead worship by serving as acolytes, ushers, and scripture readers.
Just before the sermon, children are invited for a time of learning and worship on the lower level. During Worship 1 (8:45 am), children will be dismissed to participate in Faith Formation classes (which are offered for ages pre-school through 12th grade). During Worship 2 (10:45 am), children who are preschool age through 3rd grade are invited to participate in Children’s Worship on the lower level. They will engage in an atmosphere that supports each child’s faith journey as they explore scripture, liturgy, and the rhythms of the church year in fun and creative ways.
Nursery care is also available for ages three and under during the 8:45 service and Faith Formation hour, during Coffee and Conversation, and during the 10:45 service.