Upcoming Events

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Lenten Taizé Service
Featuring the music of the Taizé community and a group of instrumentalists, this service will include congregational singing, scripture, spoken word and silence. It will be under an hour, with childcare provided, and will be livestreamed. Contact the church office here for more information.

Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday: 7 am & 7 pm
Begin the Lenten journey with a quiet, meditative time of worship. The day will begin and end with an opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes, an ancient practice that reminds us of our mortality and need for repentance.
The morning hour is come-and-go: It will feature contemplative instrumental music and a self-guided liturgy, allowing individuals to approach the altar for the imposition of ashes anytime between 7:00 and 8:00 am.
The evening service, at 7:00 pm, will include scripture, prayers, congregational songs, homily, and the imposition of ashes. This service will be livestreamed, and nursery care is provided.
Contact the church office HERE for more information.

Game Night
Friday, February 28 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a favorite family game and a snack or dessert to share. Pizza and beverages will be provided. Hope to see you there! Sign up in the fellowship hall or online HERE.

Leadership Team Meeting
The CoS Leadership team typically meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you would like to sit in on a meeting or request minutes from a previous month’s meeting, contact the church office here.

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Goodness Shall Follow
Goodness Shall Follow, an evening of dance and music created by CoS attendee Joanna Rodriguez, will be performed in the fellowship hall on Saturday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. Childcare will be provided. It features three distinct but complementary pieces centering on the theme of finding and seeing goodness in the midst of life's difficulties and intends to minister to anyone who has struggled with unexpected crises or mental illness. The performance is free, with the option to donate at the door. For more information, contact the church office here.

CoS Winter Hike
All are invited to gather for an hour-long walk through the Neighborhood of the Arts. We will pass by a number of historic buildings and cultural sites in the East Avenue/University Avenue neighborhoods. This is a good hike for all ages and abilities. Good walking shoes with tread are recommended as sidewalks may have some ice. Email the church office HERE for more information.

Leadership Team Meeting
The CoS Leadership team typically meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you would like to sit in on a meeting or request minutes from a previous month’s meeting, contact the church office here.

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Christmas Caroling
All are welcome at 12:15 (following the 10:45 a.m. service) to bring Christmas cheer in the form of carol singing to neighbors and CoS friends. If you love Christmas, or singing carols, or people… this is for you! Meet at church for a quick snack before heading out to our singing locations! For more information, contact the church office here.

Christmas 1
Celebrate the 1st Sunday of Christmas with worship at 8:45 and 10:45 am. (The 10:45 service is livestreamed.)

Christmas Eve Worship
CoS Christmas Eve Worship:
Come at 5 pm for a candlelight service of lessons and carols. (nursery care provided, infants through 3 years old )
Come at 7 pm for a candlelight service of lessons and carols with Holy Eucharist. (nursery care provided, infants through 3 years old)
Come at 11:00 pm for The Nativity of the Lord with sermon and Holy Eucharist. The service ends at the break of Christmas Day in candlelight.
*The 5:00 and 11:00 services will be livestreamed.

Christmas Pageant
CoS kids will narrate the story of Christ’s nativity through Scripture and music. A cookie reception will follow.

Advent 4
Celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent with worship at 8:45 and 10:45 am. (The 10:45 service is livestreamed.)

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Advent 3
Celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Advent with worship at 8:45 and 10:45 am. (The 10:45 service is livestreamed.)

Advent 2
Celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent with worship at 8:45 and 10:45 am. (The 10:45 service is livestreamed.)

Advent 1
Celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent with worship at 8:45 and 10:45 am. (The 10:45 service is livestreamed.)

Congregational Meeting
The CoS Annual Congregational Meeting is a high point in the life of the church. This yearly gathering is for everyone involved in the life of CoS, whether you’re a member, regular attendee or just interested in learning more about what God is doing in and through Community of the Savior. All are welcome! Here are some highlights of this year’s meeting:
Special Update from the Facilities Accessibility Team, including proposed renovations, budget, and timeline!
Election of Working Teams, Committees, and Leadership Team
Engaging our Mission 2025
Financial Updates
Pastoral Reflections on the present and future of CoS
Evening meal together
Childcare provided

Leadership Team Meeting
The CoS Leadership team typically meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you would like to sit in on a meeting or request minutes from a previous month’s meeting, contact the church office here.

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Exploring Membership
Come explore membership at CoS!
All are cordially invited to this informational half-day session in the fellowship hall. Refreshments and lunch provided. Childcare is available. Registration information coming soon.

Leadership Team Meeting
The CoS Leadership team typically meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you would like to sit in on a meeting or request minutes from a previous month’s meeting, contact the church office here.

All are invited to an informational gathering in the fellowship hall. Lunch and childcare provided.
Learn about the history, founding vision and core affirmations
Meet others who are also new to CoS
Discover the rhythms of the liturgical life
Find out about spiritual growth and ministry opportunities
Registration information coming soon!

CoS Fall Hike
A CoS “any and all ages” fall hike will take place on Saturday morning, September 28 at 9:15 a.m. on the Bird Sanctuary Trail in Webster. There will be light refreshments at the end of the hike. Rain date: Sunday afternoon September 29 at 3:00. Email the church office HERE for more information.

Leadership Team Meeting
The CoS Leadership team typically meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you would like to sit in on a meeting or request minutes from a previous month’s meeting, contact the church office here.

Every Knee
Every Knee is an informal service of worship through acoustic contemporary music, scripture, and prayer. It typically takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a time of reflective praise.

Annual Church Picnic
All are invited to the annual church picnic at Genesee Valley Park, Riverbend Shelter, after the 10:45 am service. CoS will provide pulled pork, BBQ jackfruit and rolls; beverages; plates, utensils, cups and napkins. You are encouraged to bring a side dish to share. Please sign-up in the fellowship hall or email the church office here.

CoS Summer Paddle
A summer CoS paddle event will occur on Saturday August 17. Interested in this event (easy flat water paddle) but you don’t have a kayak or canoe? Contact the church office here.

CoS Summer Hike
Save the date for a summer CoS hike on Saturday August 10 (rain date Sunday August 11). It will be an urban heritage walk. More info to come.

Vacation Bible School at CoS:
What: music, games, Bible stories, crafts, snacks, & more!
When: August 5-7, 5:45-8:15 pm
Where: 4 E. Henrietta Rd, Rochester, 14620
Who: Children 4 years old through those entering 7th grade
Register HERE.